English VB/VC

Datum 12.1.2025
English VB/VC

I can identify and name games and hobbies.
I can talk about likes and dislikes.

Hello kids!

In this unit, we will:
• identify and name games and hobbies.
• talk about likes and dislikes.
• read about an unusual hobby.
• ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes.
• listen to and sing a song about rainy day activities.
• identify three ways to spell the /əʊ/ sound: o_e, oa, ow.
• watch a video about shared family hobbies.
• write to tell a friend about hobbies.

bake, collect stickers, do puzzles, dress up, make things, play computer games, play hide-and-seek, read comic books, roller-skate, watch films; interested in, real, stick, teenagers
• I like doing puzzles.
• Do the children like riding real horses? Yes, they do.
/əʊ/ window, coat, home

Let's play games!





Your teacher Svetlana