English IVA/ IVC

Datum 19.9.2024
English IVA/ IVC

I can use a/an, some and any to talk about food.
I can use the structure There's/There are.

I can ask questions about food using a/an, some and any.


Let's talk about food!

Vocabulary: beans, cheese, chicken, chips, egg, grapes, juice, mango, pear, sausage, burger.


••There’s a mango.
••There are some eggs.
••There isn’t any juice.
••Is there any juice? Yes, there is.
••Are there any chips? No, there aren’t.

Doma procvičujte prosím na   https://learn.eltngl.com/ 

kahoot.it/challenge/there is/there are


our favourite food songs

It is OK to ask for help!

Your teacher Svetlana