English 3C

Datum 28.5.2024
English 3C

I can talk about what time people do everyday activities.
I can talk about life on the ISS.

Hello kids!

  • Reading: A day in the space station. 
  • Talk about your day. How it's similar to an astronaut's day? How it's different?
  • Have a look at video1   and  video 2 of what it's like to brush your teeth/prepare and eat food/ sleep 
  • Project: Write about your day in space. SB p. 67
  • Imagine you’re on the ISS. Send a message to your family.
    • Describe your day.
    • Say what you can/can’t do.
    • Say what you like/don’t like.
    • Include a picture.
  • We practised asking and answering questions starting with WHEN, WHAT TIME and HOW OFTEN 
  • Read a book My day 

Let's play some games!

https://kahoot.it/challenge/My day


